PRE-STRANGETOWN CURIOUS 2 WINTER RESIDENTS: Glabe: Adult Lola and Chloe: narrated by Chloe Glabe and Sis went to Strangetown Mall Lola got herself a new mobile phone and played on the arcade game. And Glabe wanted to buy fresh vegetables and so did I then home by taxi I made something with the vegetables and Glabe went on the computer and I chatted with friends. I invited Hugh over and flirted a bit Glabe got a promotion Lola was smooching with Ichabod and i had my first kiss and Lola was off to University. I do love to cook after school I invited over Nervous Reaper, we danced we gave each other back massage and we decided to find out was woohoo was all about. time Glabe had come home with a promotion Nervous had left. Glabe had the day off and did some cleaning After school Glabe gave me a present and time for homework to be done Glabe skilled and I watched television. Glabe and I watched a film together I went to work and Glabe invited a friend over and ...