
Showing posts from October, 2023


 PRE-STRANGETOWN   NIGMOS/SPECTRE FALL  RESIDENTS: Hecate Nigmos: Elder, family, have 6 grandchildren Zog Nigmos: Elder, fortune, earn 100.000 Olive Spectre: Adult, Knowledge, mad scientist Nervous Reaper: Child Maggy: dog narrated by Hecate Skilling time for everybody except the new neighbours I play with the dog Nervous jumps rope and Olive helps Nervous with his homework Skilling for us elders Creon comes over for a visit Zog enjoys a bit of skipping Olive found a job in the science career and i get a part time job in the oceanography career Zog looks after Nervous, and Nervous watches television. television watching even Maggy the dog likes to watch television, Peponi has come to visit We hired a nanny just for an hour, Zog got a promotion I got the toc of part time job and Olive got a promotion too and Zog had to wash Maggy she was becoming smelly. Maggy is a very good dog and love to play Zog made himself a meal Olive got a promotion and got home at the same ti...


 PRE-STRANGETOWN   MUENDA  FALL  RESIDENTS: Lerato: Elder, Family, graduate 3 children from college Peponi: Elder, Family, marry off 6 children Creon Nigmos: Adult, Fortune, have 3 shops and learn everything Willow: Adult: Family, Visionary narrated by Lerato Creon and Willow have a date outside the house and chat about medical problems and romance Creon changes his clothes and chats to some new neighbours I serve some tea and some of the neighbours stay. Creon opens up his first shop a grocery store it gets to level one I found a new recipe and talk about wrestling to Peponi Peponi and Willo both got jobs and Peponi gets a promtion Creon and Will both have their toys from their childhood days. Willow finds out that she is pregnant with their first child Creon goes back to the shop but there are more customers and it is getting harder on his own, level two i make a meal but Willow thought it was to spicy to eat Creon chats to his friends then back to the shop fo...