Lerato: Elder, Family, graduate 3 children from college
Peponi: Elder, Family, marry off 6 children
Creon Nigmos: Adult, Fortune, have 3 shops and learn everything
Willow: Adult: Family, Visionary

narrated by Lerato

Creon and Willow have a date outside the house

and chat about medical problems

and romance

Creon changes his clothes and chats to some new neighbours

I serve some tea and some of the neighbours stay.

Creon opens up his first shop a grocery store

it gets to level one

I found a new recipe and talk about wrestling to Peponi

Peponi and Willo both got jobs and Peponi gets a promtion

Creon and Will both have their toys from their childhood days.

Willow finds out that she is pregnant with their first child

Creon goes back to the shop

but there are more customers and it is getting harder on his own, level two

i make a meal

but Willow thought it was to spicy to eat

Creon chats to his friends

then back to the shop for a few hours, level 3

Willow skills when she cans

and so does Peponi

Creon proposes to Willow and she says yes

and i find time to play the piano

I was talking to Willow
i was

when she went into labour

and had two babies

twin girls, Ophelia and Desdemona 

Creon worked on making toys for his next shop

and Willow looked after the girls

Creon had to go back to the shop

and sold my produce, level 4

Creon comes home and chats on the phone, while I stare at Willow

and it is birthday time for the twins

double learn to talk time


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