A.P. : Adult, family, Captain Hero
Jacqueline: Adult, family, Education Minister
Lyla - Child

narrated by A.P.

It is Lyla birthday

and she is know a teenager, she is a popularity sim and wants to become and Icon

we have some new neighbours that have come to visit us

Jax and I are both getting new jobs

we don't know this man and he kicks our trash bin over

Jax helps Lyla with her homework

and we all manage to watch television together

Just waiting for the school bus to come along

Jax got a job in the education career

i got a job in the law enforcement career

Lyla does her homework

I go to work

and Lyla chats to her friend about safes.

I try to skip to earn body points

and then off to work

Lyla comes home and skills before she goes to work

and gets the top of the entertainment career

I chat with friends and Jax skills.

Lyla got an A+ and cheered herself

Jax and i both got promotions

Lyla chatted with her friend

Lyla did her homework while i fixed the shower

Jax and I watched television while Lyla skilled

I continue jumping rope to get my fitness up

Jax uses the computer to work on

Lyla does her homework

and Jax and i eat together

and Lyla plays on the computer while we sleep.

We decided to go to the new Water Works

and get some new swimwear

we had lots of fun

and really enjoyed ourselves

Jax and I were enjoying a drink when it started to rain, thunder and lightning

We went to the movies instead

Lyla got an early admission to University so off she went

and i got a promotion.


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