Grainne: Adult: Romance, sculpt 300 piece on the pottery wheel
Xanthos: Adult: Fortune, hall of famer
Circe: Child

narrated by Grainne

I got myself a pottery wheel, and started making a something

I had some new neighbours knock on the day, and i invited them in for a meal

When Circe got home from school i helped her with her home work and Xanthos got a promotion

he skilled and Circe played on the computer

time for school and work for me

Xanthos has the day off

Circe did her homework and i brought some groceries home

Xanthos and I watched the cooking channel together and skilled

Xanthos tried to fix the shower and i gave a kiss goodnight to Circe

time for a birthday Circe

is now a teenager, family have a wonder child, Gay and got a job in education

Xanthos went off to work
and Circe played on the computer

she enjoyed her first day of week

Xanthos got a promotion and chatted to friends while Circe went back on the computer again.

I fixed the toilet

and tried to make something on the pottery wheel

then chatted to a friend about ghosts

Circe did her homework and Xanthos skilled

and Circe enjoyed her second shift at work.

Xanthos skill before work

and Xanthos and Circe go out together

promotion for Xanthos and more time at the pottery wheel

and Circe got to the top of the teen education career

Circe and I went to the spa and clinic

Circe plays about with silly medical machine while i had a massage

Circe brought a crystal ball, to see if she can fine romance

Kristen Loste turned up

but she didn't want to have any romance with Circe

but i made best friends with my daughter.


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